2013/01/21 フードプロテオミクスの書籍を分担執筆
このたび、“Proteomics in Foods: Principles and Applications”という書籍が、米国のSpringer-Verlag社から出版されました。この本では、プロテオミクスを中心とするニュートリゲノミクスが、広範な食品において論じられています。Chapter23“Relevance of Peptides Bioactivity in Foods”(食品におけるペプチドの生理活性)を有原が執筆し、食品タンパク質の分解により生成する生理活性ペプチドのニュートリゲノミクス的なアプローチを論じました。

1. Understanding the proteome. 2. Extraction/fractionation techniques for proteins and peptides and protein digestion. 3. Primary separation: 2-D electrophoresis. 4. Primary separation: chromatography. 5. Mass spectrometry applications. 6. Challenges and applications of protemics for analysis of changes in early postmortem meat. 7. Application of proteomics for analysis of protein modifications in postmortem meat. 8. Biological markers for meat tenderness of the three main French beef breeds using 2-DE and MS approach. 9. Dry-cured ham. 10. Evaluation of fish quality and safety by proteomics techniques. 11. Farmed and wild fish. 12. Fish authentication. 13. Proteomics in milk and milk Processing. 14. Cheese processing. 15. Lactic acid bacteria in fermented foods. 16. Wine quality. 17. Eggs. 18. Fruits and vegetables. 19. Wheat grain proteomics for the food industry. 20. Proteomics and applications to food science in rice. 21. Beer proteomics. 22. Nutritionally relevant proteins. 23. Relevance of peptides bioactivity in foods. 24. The role of proteomics in the discovery of marker proteins of food adulteration. 25. Evaluation of genetically engineered crops using proteomics. 26. Microbial proteomics for food safety. 27. Prion biomarkers. 28. Proteomics of filamentous fungi.