[ 2016 以降 ]
Zhou L, Ohata M, Arihara K. Effects of odor generated from the glycine/glucose Maillard reaction on human mood and brainwaves. Food and Function 2016(印刷中)[詳細]
Mirdhayati I, Hermanianto J, Wijaya CH, Sajuthi D, Arihara K. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory and antihypertensive activities of protein hydrolysate from meat of Kacang goat. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 2016(印刷中)[詳細]
Ohata M, Uchida S, Zhou L, Arihara K. Antioxidant activity of fermented meat sauce and isolation of an associated antioxidant peptide. Food Chemistry 194: 1034-1039.2016.[詳細]
[ 2015 ]
Mora L, Escudero E, Arihara K, Toldrá F. Antihypertensive effect of peptides naturally generated during Iberian dry-cured ham processing. Food Research International 78: 71-78. 2015.
Kato S, Yagi T, Kato A, Yamamoto S, Akimoto S, Arihara K. Interlaboratory study of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits for the detection of egg and milk protein in processed foods. Journal of AOAC International 98: 810-816.2015.
[ 2014 ]
Ohata M, Zhou L, Owashi C, Arihara K. The effect of odor generated from protein digests and reducing sugars by the Maillard reaction on blood pressure. IMARS News Letters 9: 21-25 2014.
加藤重城, 八木敬広, 浪岡真, 秋元政信, 有原圭三. モノクローナル抗体を利用した新規牛乳ELISAキットの開発. 日本食品科学工学会誌 61: 223-231.2014.
Ghassem M. Babji A S, Said M, Mahmoodani F, Arihara K. Angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from snakehead fish sarcoplasmic protein hydrolysate. Journal of Food Biochemistry 38 : 140-149.2014.
加藤重城, 八木敬広, 秋元政信, 有原圭三. モノクローナル抗体を利用した新規卵ELISA法の開発. 日本食品科学工学会誌 61 : 1-8.2014.
[ 2013 ]
Escudero E, Mora L, Fraser P D, Aristoy M-C, Arihara K, Toldrá F. Purification and identification of antihypertensive peptides in Spanish dry-cured ham. Journal of Proteomics. 78 : 499-507.2013.
[ 2012 ]
上崎菜穂子, 岡田幸男, 竹下和子, 鮫島隆, 有原圭三. 食肉製品の汚染乳酸菌検出培地の開発. 日本食品科学工学会誌 59 : 378-386.2012.
Ghassem M, Arihara K, Babji A S. Isolation, purification and characterisation of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides derived from catfish muscle protein thermolysin hydrolysates. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 47 : 2444-2451.2012. [詳細]
上﨑菜穂子, 岡田幸男, 竹下和子, 鮫島隆, 有原圭三. リステリアの食肉加工品での増殖挙動と生ハムでの増殖挙動に対するpHと水分活性の影響. 日本食品科学工学会誌 59 : 186-191 2012.
Ghassem M, Mahmoodani F, Babji A S, Arihara K. Assessment of ACE inhibitory activity of thermolytic digest of catfish muscle protein. Proceed Int Cong Meat Sci Technol 58 : paper 051 2012.
Escudero E, Aristoy M-C, Nishimura H, Arihara K, Fidel Toldrá F. Antihypertensive effect and antioxidant activity of peptide fractions extracted from Spanish dry-cured ham. Meat Science 91 : 306-311.2012. [詳細]
Escudero E, Toldrá F, Sentandreu M A, Nishimura H,and Arihara K. Antihypertensive activity of peptides identified in the in vitro gastrointestinal digest of pork meat. Meat Science 91 : 382-384.2012.[詳細]
[ 2011 ]
Ghassem M, Arihara K, Babji A S, Said M, Ibrahim S. Purification and identification of ACE inhibitory peptides from Haruan (Channa striatus) myofibrillar protein hydrolysate using HPLC-ESI-TOF MS/MS. Food Chemistry 129 : 1770-1777.2011. [詳細]
[ 2010 ]
Escudero E, Sentandreu M, Arihara K, Toldra F. Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory peptides generated from in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of pork meat. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58 : 2895-2901.2010. [詳細]
大畑素子, 有原圭三, 石川伸一, 伊藤良. 鶏肉あるいは鰹肉をパパインで分解して調製したペプチド性キャットフード素材の嗜好性に対する影響. ペット栄養学会誌 13 : 1-13.2010. [詳細]
Ishikawa S, Suzuki K, Fukida E, Arihara K, Yamamoto Y, Mukai T, Itoh M. Photodynamic antimicrobial activity of avian eggshell pigments. FEBS Letters 584 : 770-774.2010.
Ishikawa S, Tamaki S, Ohata M, Arihara K, Itoh M. Heme induces DNA damage and hyperproliferation of clonic epithelial cells via hydrogen peroxide produced by heme oxygenase: a possible mechanism of heme-induced colon cancer. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 54 : 1182-1191.2010.
[ 2009 ]
Ohata M, Tominaga T, Dubourdieu D, Kubota K, Sugawara E. Quantification and odor contribution of 2-furanmethanethiol in different types of fermented soybean paste miso. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57 : 2481-2485.2009.
Ishikawa S, Asano T, Takenoshita, S, Nozawa, Y, Arihara K, Itoh M. Egg yolk protein suppress azoxymethane-induced aberrant crypt foci formation and cell proliferation in the colon of rats. Nutrition Research 29 : 64-69.2009.
[ 2008 ]
Suzuki S, Ishikawa S, Arihara K, Itoh M. Continuous changes in triacylglycerol molecular species composition by fatty acids in porcine adipocytes. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 75 : 1212-1218.2008.
Suzuki S, Ishikawa S, Arihara K, Itoh M. Molecular species-specific differences in composition of triacylglycerols of mouse adipose tissue and diet. Nutrition Research 28 : 258-262.2008.
[ 2007 ]
Ohata M, Kohama K, Morimatsu Y, Kubota K, Sugawara E. The formation mechanism by yeast of 4-hydroxy-2(or 5)-ethyl-5(or 2)-methyl-3(2H)-furanone in miso. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 71 : 407-413 2007.
Sugawara E, Ohata M, Kanazawa T, Kubota K, Sakurai Y. Effects of the amino-carbonyl reaction of ribose and glycine on the formation of the 2(or 5)-ethyl-5(or 2)-methyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone aroma component specific to miso by halo-tolerant yeast. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 71 : 1761-1763 2007.
Ishikawa S, Tamaki S, Arihara K, Itoh M. Egg yolk protein and egg yolk phosvitin inhibit calcium, magnesium, and iron absorptions in rats. Journal of Food Science 72 : S412-S419 2007.
Suzuki S, Ishikawa S, Arihara K, Itoh M. Changed in molecular species composition of triacylglycerol in subcutaneous fat from beef cattle during fattening. Animal Science Journal 78 : 293-300 2007.
Ishikawa S, Yano Y, Arihara K, Itoh M. Egg yolk protein improves loperamide-induced constipation and cecal fermentation in rats. Nutrition Research 27(4) : 236-240 2007.
[ 2006 ]
竹下和子, 鮫島隆, 尾形琢磨, 五十部誠一郎, 有原圭三, 伊藤良. 閃光パルスと紫外線放射の殺菌効果に対する各種被照射体の影響. 日本防菌防黴学会誌 34(3) : 131-139 2006.
[ 2005 ]
Yamanaka H, Akimoto M, Sameshima T, Arihara K, Itoh M. The effect of bacterial strain on on the development of ripening flavor of cured pork loin. Animal Science Journal 76(5) : 499-506 2005.
Ishikawa S, Ohtsuki S, Tomita K, Arihara K, Itoh M. Protective effect of egg yolk phosvitin against ultraviolet light-induced lipid peroxidation in the presence of iron. Biological Trace Element Research 105 : 249-256 2005.
[ 2004 ]
Ishikawa S, Sekine S, Miura N, Suyama K, Arihara K, Itoh M. Removal of selenium and arsenic by animal biopolymers. Biological Trace Element Research 102 : 113-127 2004.
Ishikawa S, Yano Y, Arihara K, Itoh M. Egg yolk phosvitin inhibits hydroxyl radical formation from the fenton reaction. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 68 : 1324-1331 2004.
[ 2003 ]
Mukai T, Arihara K, Ikeda A, Nomura K, Suzuki F, Ohori H. Lactobacillus kitasatonis sp. nov., from chicken intestine. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53 : 2055-2059 2003.
山中洋之, 金井聡, 秋元政信, 鮫島隆, 有原圭三, 伊藤良. Staphylococcus xylosusを用いて調製した発酵豚肉エキスの注入によるロースハムの風味向上. 日本食品科学工学会誌 50 : 272-277 2003.
Takeshita K, Shibato J, Sameshima T, Fukunaga S, Isobe S, Arihara K, Itoh M. Damage of yeast cells induced by pulsed light irradiation. International Journal of Food Microbiology 85 : 151-158 2003.
[ 2002 ]
Ishikawa S, Suyama K, Arihara K, Itoh M. Selective recovery of uranium and thorium ions from dilute aqueous solutions by animal biopolymers. Biological Trace Element Research 86 : 227-236 2002.
竹下和子, 山中洋之, 鮫島隆, 福永栄, 五十部誠一郎, 有原圭三, 伊藤良. 各種微生物に対する閃光パルスの殺菌効果. 日本防菌防黴学会誌 30 : 277-236 2002.
Sameshima T, Yamanaka H, Akimoto M, Kanai S, Arihara K, Itoh M, Kondo Y. Screening von Darm Laktbazillus Stammen fur Flish Starter Kulturen. Fleischwirtschaft 82 : 101-104 2002.
Ishikawa S, Suyama K, Arihara K, Itoh M. Uptake and recovery of gold ions from electroplating wastes using eggshell membrane. Bioresource Technology 81 : 201-206 2002.
Nakashima Y, Arihara K, Sasaki A, Mio H, Ishikawa S, Itoh M. Antihypertensive activities of peptides derived from porcine skeletal muscle myosin in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Food Science 67 : 434-437 2002.
[ 2001 ]
山中洋之, 秋元政信, 金井聡, 鮫島隆, 有原圭三, 伊藤良. 湿塩法で調製した塩漬肉における微生物叢推移と理化学的変化. 日本食品科学工学会誌 48 : 835-839 2001.
Arihara K, Nakashima Y, Mukai T, Ishikawa S, Itoh M. Peptide inhibitors for angiotensin I-converting enzyme from enzymatic hydrolysates of porcine skeletal muscle proteins.
Meat Science 57 : 319-324 2001.
[ 2000 ]
Arihara K, Itoh M. UV-induced Lactobacillus gasseri mutants resisting sodium chloride and sodium nitrite for meat fermentation. International Journal of Food Microbiology 56 : 227-230 2000.